Pros of Getting Creative, Arty & Crafty


Being able to create something is a gift. Children seek inspiration in the simplest of things and make them beautiful by giving their ideas and perceptions a form through colors, shapes and textures.

Discovering art & craft forms is more than just a past-time. It has multi-fold benefits, Simba tells you more.


See the World Through Different Eyes

Arts & crafts push boundaries of what already exists in a particular form. Children have their own unique vision which is untouched by norms. A tree need not be green and brown it can also be pink and white, the sky can be purple, swans blue, crows yellow and so on. A blank canvas gives them a chance to bring out a never-before-seen angle to things, just what the world needs sometimes. Fresh eyes to see what’s around us and experiment with the mundane.


Boost Senses, Growth & Intelligence

Neuroscience has confirmed that children who are creative are better at problem-solving, lateral thinking and also have very sharp senses. Regularly painting or creating something boosts their overall growth – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It enhances their personality and gives a well-rounded boost to their overall development. Creative kids often take up professions in later life that will nurture and explore this talent they have such as fashion designing, jewelry designing, interior designing, architecture and more.


Natural way to De-stress

Creating is a no-mind task.  The logical mind takes a backseat while a child is involved in painting, coloring, stitching, building or any other arty activity. Join your child in this process and feel your stress reduce. Many studies also dub this as ‘meditation’ as the mind is completely relaxed and people often report feeling calm and centered. Just scribbling, doodling, decorating a vase or beautifying a picture can help a tired child feel rejuvenated after a busy day at school.


Interesting Dimension to Personality

Being creative is an interesting dimension for any child. It brings out his/her individual perspective and also the ability to think out-of-the-box. This is an added trait especially for kids who love the limelight or are team leaders as it makes them confident and well-equipped for dealing with any kind of crisis with ease. They also have a happy-go-lucky attitude as they can gel with different people and adapt easily to new environments.

Which creative activities does your child enjoy? How does art & craft help him in real life? Share your story and get featured on the blog.

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